My name is Josh. I am the new pastor at Heritage church, having arrived here just a few months ago (Aug. 23′) after serving almost 7 yrs. in Plevna Mt. Prior to this, I came from Davenport Wa where I also grew up.
I would like to welcome you to visit Heritage church one of these Sundays (even this next one coming up). Here at Heritage, we strive to clearly present the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and teach God’s word so people of all ages can understand it.
Please feel free to get a feel for the service by checking out either the youtube or facebook links.
My Phone number is (509) 449-2577 and my email address is
Feel free to contact me with any thoughts, concerns, or questions you may have.
May the Lord bless you,
Pastor Josh

The McLachlan Family
From left to right, Pastor Josh, Caleb, Leslea & Noah.